Kokemuksia Minos Ambassador Suite & Spa -hotellista

Apollomatkojen asiakkaiden arvostelut
Lue asiakkaiden kokemuksia ja arvioita {{CatalogueItem.Name}} -hotellista. Halutessasi voit myös kysyä lisätietoja toiselta asiakkaalta mieltäsi askarruttavista asioista. Voit myös lukea maailman tunnetuimpaan arviointipalvelu TripAdvisoriin kirjoitettuja mielipiteitä hotellista.
9 10:stä Perustuu 43 arvioon
9,0 / 10
8,9 / 10
Vastasiko hotelli odotuksiasi
9,0 / 10
Ruoka ja juoma
8,7 / 10
9,1 / 10
9,2 / 10

Viimeisimmät arviot

10 10:stä


Vahvistettu asiakas: 2023-10-15

9 10:stä

Rauhallisuus ja siisteys

Vahvistettu asiakas: 2023-10-05

8 10:stä

Iso huone, hyvä varustelu, vesipullot joka päivä plussaa, hotelli oli rauhallinen ja hiljainen, ravintolassa hyvin tilaa
Hotellin sisäinen info sekaisin, meille tuotiin puhtaat pyyhkeet ja siivottiin kahdesti päivässä useamman kerran, yleiset tilat siistit, huoneen siivous ei niin hyvä: pölyt siirretty märällä rievulla paikasta toiseen ja huone haisi "vanhalle jalkahielle" muutamana päivänä kun tulimme huoneeseen kun lattia oli vielä märkä. Lähtöpäivänä saimme pitää pyynnöstä huoneen iltapäivään klo 1700 asti; törkeän kallis: 117,- €. Saman tasoisissa hotelleissa Rethymnonissa hinta ollut 40-60 €.

Vahvistettu asiakas: 2023-08-19

9 10:stä

uusi hotelli on laadultaan hyvä
sänkyjen alustoja ei oltu siivottu varmaan vuoteen

Vahvistettu asiakas: 2023-08-10

10 10:stä

Ystävällinen henkilökunta, kattoallas tiloineen, siisti huone

Vahvistettu asiakas: 2023-08-05

Lue asiakkaiden kokemuksia ja arvioita Minos Ambassador Suite & Spa -hotellista. Kokemukset ja arviot ovat maailman tunnetuimman arviointipalvelun TripAdvisorin keräämiä ja siten Apollomatkoista riippumattomia.

Mitä odottaa

  • 4,5/5 Sijainti
  • 4,5/5 Nukkuminen
  • 4,5/5 Huoneet
  • 5/5 Palvelu
  • 4,5/5 Hinta-laatusuhde
  • 5/5 Siisteys

0% matkustajista suositttelee

69 arvostelua
Erittäin hyvä
Ei kovin hyvä

Viimeisimmät 5 arviota


Kirjoittanut Relax62615185622 Trondheim, Norja

Perfekt kjærestetur

Veldig fint Hotel. Vi kom veldig sent på grunn av forsinket fly og de sto klare til å ta oss i mot, prosessen var veldig bra. Frokosten har ikke de største mulighetene, men man blir tilbud alle typer egg og kaffe, samt appelsinjuice. Veldig fint basseng, kjipt med gjester som reserverer stoler rolig på morgenen med håndklær, og går i fra, men dette er ikke hotellets feil. Det er fortsatt mulig for basssengplass i løpet av ettermiddagen. Det at bassenget er på toppen gir en fantastisk utsikt, som gjør at man heller er her enn å gå på stranda. Vi spiste lunsj en dag på hotellet, maten var veldig god, og prisen var som andre steder rundt på maten. Personalet er helt supre og veldig hjelpsomme. Jeg ble kald den ene natten og dro frem en dyne. Dagen etter hadde personalet byttet til et tykkere laken å sove med, siden de så jeg kunne ha vært kald. Vi fikk til og med bli igjen på hotellet og bruke bassenger den dagen vi dro, vi sjekket ut 11, og fikk muligheten til å bruke dusjrom og vi fikk håndklær. Rommet var veldig rent og pent, savnet et helt baderom og ikke separat. Balkongen vår var også helt nydelig. Veldig rolig og fint hotel som er helt supert å bruke en uke på, vi følte oss veldig avslappet og fornøyd etter oppholdet.


Kirjoittanut Mariam H

Vriendelijke personeel

Super mooi hotel, heel vriendelijk personeel. Eten was a la Carte en buffet. Al la carte was wel lekker, buffet iets minder. Fruit van het buffet was super vers en lekker. De toetjes waren ook wel lekker, vooral de baklava. Voor lunch kun je beter a la carte iets bestellen, super lekker. Rustig hotel, iedere dag schoonmaak en nieuwe handdoeken. Entertainment in de avond heeft meer als doelgroep oude koppels, beetje romantisch. De zonsondergang is prachtig vanaf het dakterras waar je ook eet. Bedden en de kamers zijn super fijn. Je voelt je heel welkom, personeel is heel toegankelijk en behulpzaam. Het zwembad bij de wellness wordt niet vaak gebruikt, het water is niet warm. Voor de rest is het heel mooi ingericht. Je hebt ook Minos hotel ernaast die je via een bruggetje bereikt. Dat is een 4 sterrenhotel. Je kan daar ook gebruik van van het zwembad, die is iets groter. Daar verblijven wat meer jongeren en gezinnen met kinderen. Entertainment is in de avond hier heel erg gericht op kleine kinderen. Strand is op 150 meter. Je kan ligbedden nemen. Je kunt dan ook eten en drinken bestellen aan strand terwijl je op strand ligt. Het is zandstrand en de zee is super schoon. Als je het water in gaat, ga je eerst over stenen en dan heb je wat zand onder je voeten. De stad is 20-25 min lopen, je kan ook voor 6 euro de taxi pakken. Super schattig stadje met mooi uitzicht en leuke restaurants. Eten in de stad is wel echt waard als je alleen ontbijt neemt. Leuke winkeltjes en steegjes heb je daar.


Kirjoittanut David B Northampton, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta

Exclusive and friendly

We had a wonderful stay at Minos Ambassador. The suites are nicely furnished and very comfortable. Haven’t slept so well. We loved the roof top pool and restaurant. We enjoyed the food which was very nice, lots of choice and so nice to be served a la carte. The staff are so friendly and were attentive. We had expected going half board that we would eat out at other restaurants, but the food and service was exceptional, likewise the location, we didn’t want to be anywhere else. The evening entertainment was nice to watch as we dined and being an adult only hotel, this was pitched about right. The old town is a short walk away with plenty of shops to look around. We did hire a car as it was cheaper than getting a transfer and gave us more flexibility. Would recommend Elafonisi beach, a bit of a trek, but we stayed the first night at Hotel Balos Beach Kissamos which meant a shorter drive the next day to the beach and once we were relaxed the longer drive to Minos Ambassador wasn’t too bad. We also spent a few hours at Knossos Palace, which was ok and got concession tickets when we arrived. Would have been more expensive paying on line. There were four in our party, we had two superior junior suites and our daughters were next door to us. We had our free 15 min massage which was nice. Didn’t use the gym, but our daughters enjoyed it. There is mention in a previous review about the timber merchant opposite. This we didn’t see as a problem, still nice views from the balcony with an olive tree, flowers etc. It was actually quite nice to watch all the comings and goings. We saw a scooter rider with two book shelves under his arm and another with a young child in between her parents, never seen three on scooter before and of course no helmets! Also mention in a previous review about the reception at the other hotel and the multiple lifts and the bridge to get from one to the other. Minos Ambassador does have its own reception, so we didn’t bother with the other hotel. Being on a steep hill there were a couple of occasions when it looked like cars would collide and we wondered about our hire car getting knocked, but it was fine apart from parking under the bridge connecting the two hotels our car windscreen and bonnet was covered in pigeon excrement! Maybe should have moved the car up the road when we first noticed this happening! There are few shops nearby and bigger supermarket. All in all a very pleasant stay and would highly recommend.


Kirjoittanut Sarah C

Beautiful suite

My suite was very nice and the welcome gift was very much appreciated. Food was excellent and the staff were very helpful and friendly . It was in an excellent location nice walk to the old town. I would highly recommend this hotel to my family and friends who want to visit Rethymnon.


Kirjoittanut jenny c york

Wonderful hotel near to the old town

We stayed for a week here and it was a wonderful experience. The half board option gave flexibility to eat out if we wanted too, but the buffet alongside a choice of prepared main meals that were presented each night gave a good quality choice of foods and the meals were very good. The waiters in the restaurant were efficient and very helpful, providing the meals and at breakfast coffee and eggs. (No queues for machines or the grill!) The rooms were spacious with everything that you might expect. The hotel is within walking distance of the old town and with a car Rethymnon is central to seeing all of the island. The only disappointing thing was the indoor pool was not heated (I read in the small print this is only at certain times) The steam room and sauna were not on either so on a day of stormy weather a cold indoor pool was not at all appealing.